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K.M. Foods

KMFoods stands for Kindly Made Foods and was founded by Sue and Graeme Randle, with incredible community support. We believe in making a positive difference to the welfare of our planet and animals, for current and future generations. 

Sue Randle

Founder and Director

---All round nice person, Vegan, Founder and… OMG, keep scrolling down, look at that cute man down there..

In 1981 as a young girl in the UK, I decided that the steak on my plate was once a living being. That day I cut meat from my diet. Since 1990 I completed a Degree in Science, as I wanted to learn more.

In 1990, my now husband’s stepfather, was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

During that time, Graeme missed all the important event in my life (graduation) as his step father was deteriorating fast. During that time, I researched ways to help him fight this battle and everything pointed to increase consumption of plant based products and a decrease of animal products. Unfortunately shortly after we married in 1991, Graeme’s beautiful step father passed away, taken from our lives when Graeme was only 24.

Over that time, I cut out meat products and gradually transition to a fully vegan diet. However, I did find I missed certain things, like Jerky and could not find a good alternative, so that day I convinced my hubby to help develop our own. Eight months later, in December 2018. We finally had our first batch ready for market and today, investing more time and commercial kitchen space, on developing more yummy Vegan treats.

Graeme Randle


(Sue said I could)-So hah

---Proudly won the local Rebel Burger colouring comp for under 6’s, even though I was clearly disadvantaged as a 54 year old. “I used more colours than the kid that came second and omg dont get me started on his terrible co-ordination.. He never stayed between the lines once” This is One of my great achievements and I would say-everyone won that day

As I start to get old and body parts start to fall off, you tend to start thinking about a lot of things. Compassion, Animals, Your Health and the environment. I realised at KMFoods, we have to do better as a manufacture. KMFoods is about providing a real alternative Vegan-plant based product.  Sue and I both agree, we have a obligation to the next generation of young adults, as well as our own children, Liam, Lachlan and Jade, to leave the environment that is more sustainable and cleaner, Although I have seen our kids bedrooms and it doesnt look good! We need to provide better nutrition and cleaner labels on our products. Stop becoming a disposable society and start to care for the animals and one another. 

Eating Meat and Diary is not sustainable. Land clearing is a massive issue, just look at the Amazon… We cannot continue to feed the population in the future without more land clearing, Killing animals- all for what. We need to Green up our cities to stop heat waves, replant trees and protect our water usage/Oceans

Im a big believe that every one has a choice and Its not our right to breach, many of our friends still eat meat, but I also believe in educating when asked. KMFoods produces products that are just as good as every day products, without the need to harm animals, ruin our environment and provide great clean label from plants. We must lead the way through giving our customers great alternative options. This is why KMFoods are dedicated to making the best alternative product we can!

The real sad part is, the younger generation today are showing us the way. We need to stop and leave this earth in better care for the next generation, before its too late.

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